What are e-bikes how to choose one?

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Since we have reached an age where pollution is out of control, any contribution to improving things is needed. That’s why we have seen fast growth in the e-bikes industry around the world, and now they are considered one of the most important means of transportation worldwide. 

So if you like to do sports, want to contribute positively to the environment, or just like an easy, non-expensive way of transportation, then this is the article for you.

What are e-bikes?

Any motorized bicycle with an integrated electric motor used to assist propulsion is considered an e-bike or an electric bike. 

They vary in shape and size and can be customized according to the measurements you might require.

Designs are getting more extravagant, new models are arriving in the market daily, and new online shops are working to provide different e-bikes to choose from. You can find all you need such as fat tire e-bikes, folding e-bikes, and electric assist road bikes as well. 

Most e-bikes come with various accessories designed to enhance your experience in riding a bike, such as display screens, specially designed tire rims, and a specially designed part to hold your iPod during your workout or journey. 

E-bike types

You can find three classes of e-bikes defined by the type of assist and how fast is the motor propulsion. Most e-bikes can be defined in two categories: class 1 and 3. 

Class 1 bikes have a motor of 750 W max that assists while pedaling up to 20 miles per hour. Class 3 can have up to 750 w motor or 1 horsepower, but can assist up to 28 miles per hour.

We also have class 2 models, which became very popular because of their low prices, and they can propel the bike up to 20 miles per hour without the need to pedal continuously. 

How to choose an e-bike?


There are many things to consider when choosing an e-bike, such as pricing range, models, why you need it, and what accessories to accompany it.

Let’s emphasize an important point, e-bikes are considered perfect for students struggling through the city, bikers who love a day out in the sun, and environmental enthusiasts; which means this is an affordable choice in the first place, but there are some expensive brands and accessories do add up to the price as well. 

So the first thing is to determine which of the abovementioned classes is the best suited for you. 

Next, you can think about the type of bike. We have four main types, Folding bikes, Mountain bikes, Road bikes, and Hybrid bikes. 

The hybrid ones are usually suitable for both off-road and urban riders and can be lighter than mountain bikes.

Now let’s think of the battery. Batteries are measured in watt-hour, which means the number of hours they can run per one watt, and motors are measured in watts, which means how much power they require to work. 

e-bikes battery

Bikes with the longest ranges have the largest batteries and the most powerful motors. 

This causes a trade-off where the most powerful e-bikes have the lowest ranges. 

Now let’s talk about the motor, should you choose a mid-drive or hub motor

A mid-drive motor is positioned in the middle of the bike in between the pedals, and the hub motor is positioned in the middle of one of the wheels.

Hub bikes are the cheapest option and are considered ideal for long rides on flat roads. 

While mid-drive motors are more expensive and are considered more suitable for riding up a hill for instance.

Read More: Mid-drive motor vs hub motor: how to choose?

Where can I find the best e-bikes?

No worries, we know where to look. 

As an e-bike motor manufacturer, we have a couple of recommendations for you depending on the brands that use our own mid-drive and hub motors. 

Check the link below for more information and don’t forget to visit our store to see more products.